Sunday, February 13, 2011

What is love?

Love is many things to different people.

Here's my take on it:

Love is when you wake up next to your significant other before he/she does...and you take pleasure in just watching them sleep.

Love is thinking about your sweetie in the middle of the day ....and it instantly calms you and makes everything better.

Love is making coffee and having it ready for your sweetie when he/she wakes up.
It's making pancakes and bacon together on a Sunday morning- and reading the paper and not having to say a word because each other's company is suffiicient enough to where no words need be spoken.

Love is when you have the flu or a virus and the other person will hold your hair back while you get sick.
Love is spontaneous kisses or a hug for no reason....just because, well, you love them.

Love is when the other person warms up your car for you and/or gets the snow and ice off of it too.

Love is snuggling on the couch watching movies all day in your pajamas.
Love is seeing each other unshowered, no teeth brushed, disheveled- but each person still sees beauty.

Love is always wanting to be a better person-for the both of each other.

Love is inspiring- which is why I wrote this blog today.
Love.  My love. How inspiring he is indeed.


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