So, I haven't written my blog in a while. I was too busy "being in love."
So, tell me what love is? Because, I thought it was there...finally, within my grasps, no holds barred.
They say if something is too good to be true it usually is. Um YEAH, that was an understatement in this case.
So, one day a person is talking marriage and babies and POOF, the next day he's scared and doesn't know what he wants. FML. FML. Time and energy invested. Many nights staying up late after 12 hour shifts at work watching movies, cooking, laughing...all that to -NOTHING.
So, I've done the crying thing (haven't in 4 days maybe), the hiding under the covers thing (I don't recommend that-I've found it's better to go for a walk in the sunshine). Tried to literally work out the anger by exercising (works pretty well).
So, what to do next.....hmmm...I could go into the Army. Private Benjamin style (hehehe). Or, I can just keep being myself. I'm gonna go lie by the pool with my tanned self. Have a huge salad in a bit -not because I think I'm fat , but because I care what I put into my body. I'm going to paint on my balcony facing the mountains. I'm going to go back to the gym, and when I turn a few heads, I will do what I can to not attract attention, but I will smile knowing that I still have my mojo. Take a walk on the Bosque-perhaps all the way to Corrales today.
Take a nap-because I work hard and deserve it.
Love myself-because, I am pretty freaking amazing. I KNOW THIS. You don't have to tell me.
He lost. I win. I'm gonna keep on smiling. :)
WOW I LOVE YOU GIRLFRIEND!! I loved this!! I didn't know you had a blog. How do you do it I wanna do one too lol. Well you know what honey? You are right, you are awesome and he did lose!! He lost one of the most beautiful and lovely women GOD ever made!! I'm soooooo happy that you are feeling better and I look forward to us talking later. Oh and I have no doubts that you will turn heads lol. Would love to be as gorgeous as you!! It's an honor to have you as my friend I just want you to know this!! Smoochies and hugs girlfriend!! LOVE YOU!! :-)